2011-04-17 / 17:04:38
FILED UNDER: Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Beastly Souyndtrack - 2
Låtarna som kommer att finns med:
01. The Thinking Thing Killed (01:06)
02. Lake House (02:50)
03. Jujyfruits (01:05)
04. The Poem (02:54)
05. High School (00:53)
06. It's Always Been Me (05:22)
07. Elephant Story (01:40)
08. Building the Greenhouse (00:53)
09. Drive to the Station (01:48)
10. The Curse, Part 1 (01:53)
11. Lindy's Picture (02:21)
12. The Kiss (03:39)
13. Hunter Rescues Lindy (04:00)
14. Food and Gifts (01:57)
15. Lindy's in Trouble (04:21)
16. The Curse, Part 2 (02:24)
17. Hunter and Zola Talk (01:29)
18. Finale (03:26)
Det ska alltså komma ut 2 Beastly skivor
02. Lake House (02:50)
03. Jujyfruits (01:05)
04. The Poem (02:54)
05. High School (00:53)
06. It's Always Been Me (05:22)
07. Elephant Story (01:40)
08. Building the Greenhouse (00:53)
09. Drive to the Station (01:48)
10. The Curse, Part 1 (01:53)
11. Lindy's Picture (02:21)
12. The Kiss (03:39)
13. Hunter Rescues Lindy (04:00)
14. Food and Gifts (01:57)
15. Lindy's in Trouble (04:21)
16. The Curse, Part 2 (02:24)
17. Hunter and Zola Talk (01:29)
18. Finale (03:26)
Det ska alltså komma ut 2 Beastly skivor