2013-12-03 / 17:43:26
FILED UNDER: Justin Drew Bieber
Nya Bilder På Justin
viviensainz: #bts #allthatmatters #musicvideo #dopetimes #dope #track #beliebers #love #jb @justinbieber @cairusso @iamolani
viviensaiz: #bts #allthatmatters #musicvideo #setlife #dopetimes #jb @cairusso @justinbieber @iamolani @viviensainz #mua #hair #colinseyes
@scooterbraun: They got me on here. Damn them. @justinbieber @johnny
@florido: #allthatmatters @justinbieber is out! #hairbyflorido
NickDeMoura: “Working In the studio today with justinbieber”
dankanter: #repost @alekslata. So happy you and @breekray were at the show tonight! :)
jonboogiee: 2 shows left. #BelieveTour #AllGreatThingsComeYoAmEnd
alfredoflores: The screens, lights — everything was in flawless sync today #BELIEVEtour #2moreshows