2013-09-08 / 12:14:48

Nya Bilder På Justin

Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp and Retreat Centre: Justin Bieber stopped by for a visit on Friday after all of our camps had wrapped up on Wednesday. He relived some of his memories from his years here as a camper!
@brookscreativeco: #bts @maejorali “Lolly” video shoot
@bradhaugen: some laughs w/ @justinbieber @scooterbraun @alfredoflores @ryangood24 @jonmchu This is getting good. #BELIEVE
@scooterbraun: Great day shooting the shit with @jonmchu @ryangood24 and @justinbieber for #BelieveMovie
@jonmchu: Thanks @justinbieber for teaching me how to dress. Ha
@AlfredoFlores: 🎥 #BELIEVE
Nu är inspelningen av Justins nya dokumänter i gång. Filmen kommer att heta Believe 3D

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