2014-05-04 / 15:39:41
FILED UNDER: Justin Drew Bieber
Nya bilder på Justin
kylemassey: Pool party?
kingbach: Turnt up!! @sirbizzle @sammy
sammy: We out here Vegas @kingbach @sirbizzle
destorm: Vegas! @sirbizzle @bigdaddykane757 @kingbach @sammy
destorm: So @hardrockhotellv got #rehab turntup! w/ @sammy @justinbieber @kingbach @bigdaddykane757
DavidLLevi: We ready! @floydmayweather and @sirbizzle in the locker room. It’s fight time
iam_vernonb: This was a great fight . Congrats on the win Mayweather ! I see you @justinbieber #mayweathervsmaidana #mgmgrand
@scooterbraun: Just got texted this pic from @justinbieber “the champ says hi” :) crazy life and a great night for sports. Now back to game 7
johnny: Tired but had a blast
floydmayweather: Thank you @sirbizzle, @liltunechi and all of #TMT for your love & support. We did it. 46-0